ROOM / WEBSITE OWNERS .................. UK_LADY ALIMO66 CLICK THE LINKS. IT'S FREE THANKS!!! LOVING BIRTHDAY REMEMBERANCE MOTHER AUGUST 20th _______________________________________________________________________ BARRISTER WANTS THE AGE OF CONSENT DROPPED TO 13 Totally Sick! The only reason they want such, is because so many of them are guilty of abusing children! The age of consent in this country is a noble law, given to us by our most wise and sensible forefathers, for the protection of women and children. Barbara Hewson is as much condoning pedophiles, to suggest such. ______________________________________________________________________ BOYCOTT THE MOVIE THE HOBBIT. HORSES AND OTHER ANIMALS WERE KILLED AND SERIOUSLY INJURED IN THE MAKING OF THIS FILM. THE FACTS ARE ABSURD How many of us know the reality of what is happening in Japan and the effect that the Fukushima disaster is having, not just on Japan but the whole world. Media blackout as certain leading media broadcasting companies all make and profit from Nuclear power plants.The Evil lies and cover up of the Janpanese government is a disgrace. They refuse to provide screening for families and children in perfectures that have higher fallout readings than Fukushima. We need to help. Greenpeace is a good place for us to start.Please get involved. The truth about nuclear power and disaster is the end of mankind. How many of us know, that the effects of Chernobly, shut down farming in the east coast of Britain, beacuse cesium 137 along with other pollutants were found in our soil. Chernobly was shut down within so many days... years on and Fukushima is still not contained and is still spilling out disastrous amounts of pollution every single second of every day. Cancer we know is on the rise and we are all looking for cures. Prevention is always better than a cure. SAY NO TO NUCLEAR POWER!!! All images copyright of their respective owner ...................................................................................................................... IN LOVING MEMORY MUM and DAD APRIL 2013 Welcome to the Happy House UK
Ok did I just read the news right??? The Japanese have tried to bribe certain countries with money and prostitutes for the vote for whaling? OMG!!! How low is that!?! Not only the disgrace of whaling itself, but enslaving women and offering them as a piece of meat for abuse. Anyone have a daughter? Utter scum! If you really believe whaling is ok as a practice.. I ask you to think again and help the fight against this evil. With regards please support the campaign to end this disgrace. 22nd April EARTH DAY. WHAT CAN WE SCREW UP NEXT? A BIG THANK YOU AND WELL DONE TO ALL THOSE WHO CLICKED THE BANNERS OVER THE LAST FEW YEARS. HOPE YOU ENJOYED TO SEE HOW YOUR CLICKS HAVE COUNTED. DON'T STOP NOW. KEEP CLICKING!!! ______________________________________________________________________________ Thanks to all family and friends for their support and condlences. Kris ALSO A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ALL THAT SENT DONATIONS TO THE DONNA LOUISE TRUST IN RESPECT AND MEMORY OF MY FATHER. _____________________________________________________________________________ THE GUESTBOOK IS ON THE BLINK AGAIN! WE WILL TRY TO GET BACK AT SOME POINT. THANKS
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have received many messages from people who are worried about swine flu. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LATEST NEWS AND UPDATES Bored? Click the Banner and play this game. IT'S TOTALLY FREE!!! Earn rice and better your vocabulary.
_____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ THE RED CROSS ( The most trusted emergency aid in all disasters ) PLEASE SUPPORT. EARTHQUAKE IN CHINA and CYCLONE IN BURMA Please click banner to support. Thanks. _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Thank you for visiting our website. ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ SEA SHEPHERD The Japanese are illegally killing in waters they should not be in. Please click image to take you to the seashpherd myspace, where you can keep yourself updated with whats happening and learn the best way you yourself can support these brave and noble people. I Know for a fact... that there is not one thing I need from a whale other than its songs and Graceful image like mother with child. Anything taken from it's slaughter is evil and has no place in our world today. The Japanese claim that this is research. There is no cures or magical medicinal properties from the murdering of one of the greatest creatures in the Universe and NEVER WILL BE! You have a lot to thank the Sea Shepherd for! This is greed and money making. Please help to END THIS DISGRACE! GOD SPEED TO THE STEVE IRWIN CREW and SUPPORTERS _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
Posting from Captain Paul Watson __________________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japan’s expanded “scientific” whale hunt. The whaling fleet, which is due to arrive in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary this weekend, is set to kill more than 1000 whales, including for the first time in four decades, 50 humpback whales. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ Keep Sophie's memory alive by supporting her fund. THANKS November 26th would of seen the 23rd Birthday of Sophie Lancaster. Under loves will, may you always be remembered. __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ << Click Image..YOUNG PEOPLE...Lots of safety tips on this page for you. ________________________________________________________________________ ::::::::::::::::::::::::LIVE MUSIC:::::::INTERNET CHAT::::::::WEB CAMS:::::::::::::::::::::::: E mail address It is a friendly room for people of all age groups. It was set out to be, and has continued to be a room where people can feel at ease, hopefully taking time out from the stresses and problems we can all encounter in our daily lives. The Happy House UK was established on 19th October 2003 and has, in many respects been successful. Another of our aims is to show support to various charities. We have and will continue to provide links in order for you to show your support and we thank those of you who have,so much. The room is G rated and we have several permanent administrators who work hard to ensure everything runs smoothly. There is information available on our administrators in the Admin room.You will see how different their personalities are, as well as find out some of their little *traits*. Be assured they are all lovely people and a lot of fun to spend some time with. Our regular admins along with myself and alimo66: Man of Steel11, TeeGee73, bradley_London_uk, Dave_UK. We also have *emergency admins* who we can call on for extra help. A wide variety of music and singing is played in our room, which has been a success in itself due to the many different age groups we cater for. We have live singing, special theme hours and on occasions room parties. We also have live web cams; it is nice to be able to see who you are talking to. Of course, this is optional, we realise that not everyone will want to go on cam themselves. *Please scroll down this page for useful information which will help you if you are new to pal.* For those of you visiting our web site who know us and our room, @alimo and I would like to sincerely express our gratitude for your friendship, continued support and all the many wonderful comments you have made about our room. Thank You. If you are not familiar with our chat room and would like more information, please let us know, we will be more than happy to help in any way we can. You can reach us at We are under the * Music* catagory and Sub catagory * Other* on the group list. ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ We are deeply concerned about the failure of EU
fishery managers to heed scientific studies that time and again
emphasise the decline of sharks and rays due to over fishing. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ There is no way to EVER justify vivisection EVER, just as there is NEVER an excuse good enough for murdering whales or any other innocent creatures that simply wish to live out their natural lives, unmolested by the human species. BE WARNED THE FOLLOWING IMAGES ARE OF A GRAPHIC NATURE WHICH SOME PEOPLE MAY FIND DISTURBING. HOWEVER... THIS STORY NEEDS TO BE TOLD. PLEASE HELP. WE CAN TOGETHER BEAT THIS!!!
YOU will also find other clickable banners on the site above which will help to fund other charities for free. It cost you nothing but a moment of your time. Please take some time to look around. Did you ever dream of healing the world? NOWS YOUR CHANCE! The other banners include: Global Warming: Rainforest: Oceans: Big Cats: Primates:( no funny comments plz ) CHILDREN: Pets: Stop Violence: Breast Cancer ____________________________________________________________________
Please click image and sign petition. ______________________________________________________________ If we eat wrongly, No doctor can cure us Our body, with the help of the right nutrition, has the natural ability to defend, repair and restore health. Eating for optimal health is possible only if we care and are willing to learn. Vegetarian Eating will benefit your Health, Awakening and holding a higher vibration and for the Earth's Wellbeing. The USA alone kill 75 million beings every day (40 million fish and 35 million animals and birds). We carry this slaughter and torture in our energy systems. We don't like to talk about it or acknowledge it, but our own Spiritual growth calls it out to us. For True Peace on our Planet this must change. Eating is a Sacred act and we need to be conscious of what we are doing in it. ______________________________________________________________ What would Jesus say???
Click Ribbon. Join RED. Thanks! ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ *** Please support the links on this page. *** All images are copyright to their respective owners. <<Please click image. Thank you Watch the video YELLOW DRESS WARCHILD MUSIC Download the latest music, including exclusive recordings from top artists.
Support and Advice. Please Support. Thank You.
__________________________________________________________________ WSPA Click Banner for the International site or Visit the UK site
The text maybe a little hard to see. 330,000 seals - almost all of them babies as young as 12 days old were brutally killed in Canada's latest seal hunt. If you find this a gross and barbaric act that has NO place in OUR World today.PLEASE CLICK THE BANNER AND PLEDGE YOUR SUPPORT BY SIGNING THE PETITION. THANKS! If Possible, please watch the video on site. PLEASE BE WARNED THAT THE VIDEO IS OF A GRAPHIC NATURE AND SHOWS ABUSE TO ANIMALS. TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!! Yes we are asking for your help again. It will only cost you a moment of your time. Please support. It's hard to believe that this goes on today.. it's a disgrace!!!
__________________________________________________________________________ At present we open as much as possible during the week, approximately 11pm UK time. We are nearly always open at the weekend and are looking at the possibility of opening earlier in the future. Please do not jump the mic. Join queue and wait your turn. Please ensure your nickname is G rated or you will be asked to leave. Also we ask that you consider different words which may have different meanings to some people, depending in which part of the world you live. Please bear this in mind if you are asked to leave. __________________________________________________________________________ For the Fallen With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children, England mourns for her dead across the sea. Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit, Fallen in the cause of the free. Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres, There is music in the midst of desolation And a glory that shines upon our tears. They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted; They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. They mingle not with their laughing comrades again; They sit no more at familiar tables of home; They have no lot in our labour of the day-time; They sleep beyond England's foam. But where our desires are and our hopes profound, Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight, To the innermost heart of their own land they are known As the stars are known to the Night; As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust, Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain; As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness, To the end, to the end, they remain. With respect for our Valiant Men, Women and Children. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Where is the justice of political power if it executes the murderer and jails the plunderer, and then itself marches upon neighboring lands, killing thousands and pillaging the very hills? Are you still believing in the bullshit that you have been told about 9.11? Native American Prayer for Peace O Great Spirit of our ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Thank you for taking the time to look at our new website. Please sign our guestbook. We look forward to hearing from you, and meeting you.... UK_Lady alimo66 All images on this website are copyright of their respective owner. All images subject to copyright law. New paragraph | |||||||||||